martes, 30 de abril de 2013


Are you ready to change the fruit in your diet??? So you can do it because it's growing up new seasonal fruit!

From May on, you will enjoy: cherries (approximately until july), peach and medlar (approximately until september/october) and apricot (until september).

Nature "offers" us the food our body needs so we can take care of this and we can eat seasonal fruit and vegetables. If they grow up now, this means our body will make the most of them, I'm sure!


Estàs a punt per canviar la fruita a la teva dieta?? Doncs endavant perquè hi ha nova fruita de temporada!

A partir de Maig pots gaudir de: cireres (aproximadament fins al juliol), préssecs i nespres (fins aprox setembre/octubre) i albercoc (aprox també fins setembre).

Fixa't que la naturalesa "ofereix" el menjar que necessita el teu cos, per tant, aporta-li aquests aliments de temporada! Estic segura que el teu organisme en treurà el màxim profit!


Estás a punto para cambiar la fruta en tu dieta?? Pues adelante porqué está creciendo nueva fruta de temporada!

A partir de Mayo puedes gozar de: cerezas (aproximadamente hasta julio, finales), melocotones y nísperos (hasta setiembre/octubre) y albaricoque (también hasta aproximadamente setiembre).

Fíjate qué sabia la naturaleza que te "ofrece" los frutos que necesita tu cuerpos, seguro! Por lo tanto, come alimentos de temporada! Estoy segura que tu cuerpo sacará de ellos el máximo provecho!


lunes, 29 de abril de 2013


2 PERSONES......

2 filets de Salmó 
10 espàrrecs verds
ceba tallada a juliana!                    
3-4 cullaradetes de farigola picada (més o menys, al teu gust) 
2 fulles de llaurer  (las treuràs abans de menjar el salmó)
1-2 cullarades soperas d' oli d'oliva, millor si verge extra. 

Precalentar el forn a 180ºC (356ºF). 
Neteja i asseca el salmó i els espàrrecs.
Esparceix la sal i el pebre sobre el salmó, vigila amb la sal!!!! Una cullaradeta és perfecte!
Posa les fulles de llaurer sota cada filet o bé al costat.
Esparceix la farigola sobre l'alumini (o allò que utilitzis per fer la tècnica), posa el salmó sobre aquest, al seu costat la ceba tallada fina, a tires, i els espàrrecs sobre els filets. 
Amaneix amb l'oli d'oliva verge extra. I ja pots embolicar els ingredients. Recorda que ha d'estar tancat hermèticament perquè no s'escapin ni els nutrients ni el sabor-aroma.

Ja pots posar-ho al forn, uns 15-30 minutes

Fes servir els vegetals que vulguis... 
Està deliciós amb xampinyons també...
Un altre "truquillo": pots fer servir una rodanxa de llimona per posar-li a sobre el salmó... o taronja...



2 PERSONAS......

2 filetes de Salmón 
10 espárragos trigueros
cebolla  cortada a juliana!                     
3-4 cucharadas de tomillo picado (añade más o menos, a tu gusto) 
2 hojas de laurel  (las quitarás antes de comerte el salmón)
1-2 cucharadas soperas de aceite de oliva, mejor si virgen extra. 

Precalentar el horno a 180ºC (356ºF). 
Limpia y seca el salmón y los espárragos.
Esparce sal y pimienta sobre el salmón, ojo con la sal!!!! Una cucharadita está perfecto!
Pon las hojas de laurel debajo de los filetes o al lado. 
Esparce el tomillo sobre el aluminio (o lo que utilices para hacer la papillota), pon el salmón sobre éste, a su lado la cebolla y los espárragos encima. Riégalos con el aceite de oliva. Y ya puedes envolver los ingredientes. Recuerda que quede herméticamente cerrado, no queremos perder ni nutrientes ni aroma.
Ya puedes ponerlo al horno, unos 15-30 minutes

Utiliza los vegetales y especias que quieras... 
Está delicioso también con champiñones...
Otro "truquillo": puedes cocerlo con un trozo de limón en lámina encima del salmón... o de naranja...




2 Salmon fillets
10 wild asparagus
1 onion, thinly sliced                        
3-4 tablespoon thyme chopped (you can add more or less, as you like)
bay leaves (before to eat the meal, take them out the plate). 
1-2 tablespoon olive oil 

Preheat the oven 180ºC (356ºF). 
Wash and dry the salmon fillets and asparagus.
Sprinkle the salmon with salt and pepper, be careful with the salt, ok? Just a bite (1 teaspoon is perfect)
You can put the bay leaves next to each salmon fillet or under each one.
Sprinkle the thyme over the foil, put the salmon also on it and surround it with the onion slices and the wild asparagus.
You can add the olive oil over it. 
Wrap the foil; we don't want air escaping! Remember the flavor and the nutrients!

You can bake in the oven about 15-30 minutes. You can check if it's cooked enough 20 minutes after start baking.

You can use the vegetables and the species you want... 
It's delicious with mushrooms too...
Another "trick": you can add a lemon slice over the salmon... or orange slice...



This is the technique that gave the name of the blog: AL PAPILLOTE...  The first time I heard about it I was studying nutrition... and I loved it! 
At the beginning, I loved it because of its name. And when I discovered exactly the procedure... I felt in love again: It's a fast method, easy to do and it has organoleptic and nutritional qualities!

First of all, I want to explain you how to use the technique. As I said, it's easy to apply. Basically, you will wrap all the ingredients in aluminum foil and you will cook them in the oven for 15-30 minutes, approximately, 180º C (356ºF).

What is it the difficulty about Al papillote procedure? It is that you will cook different ingredients together and they usually need different cooking "tempos"!
Solution: you can cut them in different dimensions according to their tempos (this is culinary wisdom ;)... or you can sauté or blanch the ingredient which need more cooking time, before to start Al Papillote, and before to mix all together. For example, you should sauté or blanch the meat before to use in this technique with other ingredients. 
I prefer this technique to cook vegetables with fish, but it's up to you to cook meat.

Classic procedure use aluminum wrap but there are versions: vegetables leaves (lettuce, fig leaf...). You can try it and then decide which one you prefer! But remember (I know it's obvious but still): it has to resist heat!!


- Al Papillote allows keeping more food nutrients than if you boil them. When you boil ingredients, their nutrients keep in the water so if you don't eat this water, you “lose” them. But in Al papillote technique you'll keep them because you'll wrap the ingredients all together and you'll eat the mix (liquid and solid food).

- Flavourful: aromatic molecules don't volatilize because they are "save" (because you wrap the food). Mineral ingredients are who supply the flavor and they don't volatilize either. 

- You don't need to use a lot of oil. We know olive oil is good for our health but still... as always "a little bit of all".
When the technique appeared it was usual to use melt butter!!

It's a fast method to cook, in half hour, approximately, you can start to eat. Besides, it is so cute, the "mini-bag" you created when you wrapped the ingredients in aluminum foil!

It is delicious to cook fish salted with aromatic herbs, like thyme (love it!), nutmeg or black pepper. It is also delicious if you first "immerse" the fish or the vegetables inside soy sauce and then you cook them Al Papillote.

This exquisite technique started in France, in the XIX century. At the beginning, people cut different foil shapes (heart, for example) and they used butter or olive oil to spread over the foil. Besides, they fried the food before to use the oven! So imagine... so greasy!

As a suggestion: when the food is in the oven, don't open it until cooked!! The flavor could dissipate!

I will find the perfect recipe to you!